Monday, April 11, 2011

Polar and Non-Polar Molecules

Okay for polar vs. non-polar molecules there is only one really important thing you have to remember. If when drawing a molecular diagram the molecule is symmetrical the molecule is non-polar, therefore if the molecule is unsymmetrical the molecule is polar.

Symmetrical = Non-Polar
Unsymmetrical = Polar

If you still don't understand here is a good video that explains it.
Now you should understand the general idea, now tell me which of the following molecules are polar and which are non- polar. Also using electronegativity figure out which side is partially positive and which side is partially negative (hint: the one with the most electronegativity is partially negative)



Answers: 1--polar, the left side is partially negative
               2-- polar, the bottom half is partially negative

The reason why non-polar molecules have no partially negative/partially positive side is because the pull of electrons is balanced.

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