Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mass to Mass Conversions

You've done mole to mole conversions, now it's time for mass to mass conversions!

Mass to mass conversions aren't that much different form mole to mole conversions though, you just have to do the correct conversions from last unit.

For Example:

You have 2.0 grams of HCl how many grams of H2 will you produce?

First of all write out the chemical equation.
2HCl reacts to form H2 + Cl2

This is when you start the conversions
2.0g x ((1 mol) / (1.0+ 17.0)) x (1/2) x  ((2)/(1 mol)) = .11 g of H2

Of course you're probably wondering what I just did. Well let me explain.
In the first step. We were told that there was 2.0 g of HCl so we had to convert it into moles, thus like following the last unit we divided 2 by 18. 
Then we multiplied the number of moles in HCl by what we had over what we needed (we had 1 H and we needed 2HCl) 
After that we converted the moles of H into grams thus giving us an answer of .11 g.
Easy right? Of course if you still don't get it please just don't blurt out any random answer.

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