Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bohr Model

Well, the Bohr model, let me tell a little bit about the theory first.
The theory behind Bohr's Model was
-electrons exist in orbitals
-when absorbing energy electrons move to a higher orbital
-as electrons fall from a high energy orbital (what comes up must come down) to a lower energy orbital they
  release energy
-this energy is released as a photon of light

And for all those visual learners here's a diagram
Okay so here's Bohr's model

Pretty simple right, 1 proton, 1 electron.
(oh yes, those arrows you see, that is the direction the electron is moving, yes it does move, however they are simply there to show that electrons move around on their orbital, i have no idea if that is actually the direction it goes in.)

But of course we couldn't just leave it like that, somebody out there just had to go and complicate things, while at the same time making them far more interesting.
Basically when photons of light fly past the atom without hitting the electron nothing happens, but as soon as a photon does hit an electron.


Then all of a sudden!                                   

Oh look!
It's transported, now the elecron
is on the second orbital!

And then if the electron gets hit by another electron


Ah, now we have a pretty blue photon flying away from where the electron and green photon collided. Coincidence, i think not (you may think so though). The blue photon was a result of a loss of energy.
See when the electron is on the first level and gets hit by a photon the electron takes the photon's energy and transports up a level or two. When the electron is on that higher level and is hit by another photon the electron will either go up another level or two or go back down. If the electron does go back down it will lose some energy, that energy being the photon.
Now for a site that was shown to us when we learned this, it may help you understand the concept a bit more easily, it also has some other interesting things you can do on it.

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