Monday, December 13, 2010

Moles to Volume

Finally, it's the long awaited post of MOLES TO VOLUME!!!!
Okay one quick thing you need to know
1 mole of any gas has the exact same volume at a specific temperature and pressure.
And what is this temperature and pressure you may ask?
At 0˚Celsius and 101.3 KPa 1 mole takes up 22.4 L
Very important stuff, however it's all very clear isn't it

Now on to the examples

What would you do if you had 3.2 L of some random unknowns substance we pulled out of a hat and you needed to figure out how many moles there are.

1.6 L x    1 mol      = 0.071 mol
              22.4 L

Now just to switch it up, let's say you had 7.2 mol of Ne, how many L of Ne are there at Standard Pressure and Temperature(STP)

7.2 mol  x    22.4    = 161.28 
                  1 mol
Making the answer (with significant digits) 1.6 x 102

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